Ser Rodrik Cassel
Stark Character, 6 Gold, MIL POW, 4 STR, Loyal
No attachments except Weapon.
While Ser Rodrik Cassel is attacking in a military challenge, each unique Stark character you control gains Insight.
Ser Hobber Redwyne
Tyrell Character, 5 Gold, MIL POW, 4 STR, Non-Loyal
Knight. Redwyne.
Reaction: After you marshal Ser Hobber Redwyn, search your deck for a Lady character. Reveal that card and add it to you hand. Shuffle your deck.
Mare in Heat
Tyrell Attachment, 2 Gold, Non-Loyal
Knight character only.
While attached character is attacking or defending, Mare in Heat gains: “Action: Kneel Mare in Heat to choose a participating character with higher STR than attached character and remove it from the challenge.”
King’s Peace
Baratheon Plot, 4 Gold, 0 Initiative, 1 Claim, 5 Reserve, Loyal
Edict. Scheme.
Reaction: After a military or power power challenge is initiated against you, the attacking player may either: kneel their faction card or move a power from their faction card to yours. If they do not, the challenge ends immediately without winner or loser.
Plot deck limit: 1
Fishing Net
Greyjoy Attachment, 1 Gold, Non-Loyal
Condition. Item. Weapon.
Opponent’s character only.
Attached character cannot be declared as a defender.
Martell Attachment, 1 Gold, Non-Loyal
Opponent’s character only.
Attached character loses an intrigue icon.
Hands down, this is the best layout I have seen for looking through all the spoilers. Very well organized with all translations directly under each card. Entire site looks great, keep it up!
Thank you so much for the kind wordsSchmitty00! We’ll be having a lot more content coming up soon, please leave us feedback and any suggestions on things you would like to see on the site!
Hands down, this is the best layout I have seen for looking through all the spoilers. Very well organized with all translations directly under each card. Entire site looks great, keep it up!
Thank you so much for the kind wordsSchmitty00! We’ll be having a lot more content coming up soon, please leave us feedback and any suggestions on things you would like to see on the site!